Undergraduate Programs

"Find Pitt majors and programs that match your academic interests"

College/School Web Sites

These Web sites will give you an overview of the whole school, including its graduate and undergraduate divisions, where applicable, and its departments, research centers and unique offerings.

First-year admitting schools:

Students interested in the schools below begin their University studies in the Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences taking prerequisite courses. Transfer is typically at the junior year level. Exception: traditional age freshmen apply at the sophomore level for College of General Studies (CGS) majors. Non-traditional freshmen (out of high school for two or more years) and transfers may apply for direct admission to CGS.

Majors and Minors

The University of Pittsburgh offers numerous undergraduate majors. Those majors are listed below, along with the degree conferred and the school or college offering the major. Majors in which a minor is also available are marked with an asterisk. See the individual school’s or college’s section of this bulletin for specific major and degree requirements. 

The David C. Frederick Honors College offers a Bachelor of Philosophy (BPhil) degree in all of the majors listed below. Also, the many double major possibilities are not listed here; students should check with the individual school to determine the range of double majors allowed.


*Minor in this field is also available.

Accounting BSBA CBA
Actuarial Mathematics BS A&S
Africana Studies* BA A&S
Africana Studies–English BA A&S
Anthropology* BA A&S
Applied Developmental Psychology BS EDUC
Applied Mathematics BS A&S
Architecture BS A&S
Architectural Studies BA A&S
Astronomy BA A&S
Biochemistry BS A&S
Bioengineering* BSE ENGR
Biological Sciences BS A&S
Business Information Systems BSBA CBA
CASE Teacher Preparation BS EDUC
Chemical Engineering* BSE ENGR
Chemistry* BS A&S
Chinese* BA A&S
Civil Engineering* BSE ENGR
Classics BA A&S
Communication: Rhet & Comm BA A&S
Communication Science BA SHRS
Computational Biology BS A&S/SCI
Computer Engineering BSE ENGR
Computer Science* BS SCI
Computational Social Science BS A&S/SCI
Data Science BS A&S/SCI
Dental Hygiene BS CGS
Dietician Nutritionist Program BS SHRS
Digital Narrative and Interactive Design BA or BS A&S/SCI
Ecology and Evolution BS A&S
Economics* BA or BS A&S
Economics–Statistics BS A&S
Electrical Engineering* BSE ENGR
Emergency Medicine BS SHRS
Engineering Science BSE ENGR
English Literature* BA A&S
English Writing BA A&S
Environmental Science BS A&S
Environmental Studies BA A&S
Exercise Science BA EDUC
Film and Media Studies* BA A&S
Finance BSBA CBA
French* BA A&S
Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies BA A&S
Geology BS A&S
German* BA A&S
Global Management BSBA CBA
Health Informatics BS SHRS
Health Services BA or BS CGS
Health and Physical Activity BS EDUC
History* BA A&S
History and Philosophy of Science BA A&S
History of Art & Architecture BA A&S
Human Resources Management BSBA CBA
Industrial Engineering* BSE ENGR
Information Science BS SIS
International and Area Studies BPHIL **
International Studies Co-Major BA A&S
Italian* BA A&S
Italian Studies BA A&S
Japanese* BA A&S
Law, Criminal Justice, and Society* BA A&S/CGS
Linguistics* BA A&S
Marketing BSBA CBA
Materials Science and Engineering* BSE ENGR
Mathematics* BS A&S
Mathematical Biology BS A&S
Mathematics-Economics BS A&S
Mechanical Engineering* BSE ENGR
Media and Professional Communications BA CGS
Microbiology BS A&S
Molecular Biology BS A&S
Museum Studies* BA A&S
Music* BA A&S
Natural Sciences BS CGS
Neuroscience* BS A&S
Nursing BSN NURS
Nutrition Science BS SHRS
Pharmacy PharmD2 PHARM
Philosophy* BA A&S
Physics* BS A&S
Physics and Astronomy BA or BS A&S
Physics and Quantum Computing BS A&S/SCI
Political Science* BS A&S
Politics and Philosophy BA A&S
Psychology BS A&S
Public and Professional Writing BA A&S
Public Service* BA CGS
Rehabilitation Science BS SHRS
Religious Studies* BA A&S
Russian BA A&S
Social Work* BASW SOC WK
Sociology* BA A&S
Spanish* BA A&S
Statistics BS A&S
Studio Arts* BA A&S
Supply Chain Management BSBA CBA
Theatre Arts* BA A&S
Urban Planning and Geographic Analysis BS A&S
Urban Studies BA A&S

**The International and Area Studies major must be combined with a second disciplinary major. The Bachelor of Philosophy degree will be awarded in conjunction with the University Honors College through the undergraduate school associated with the second disciplinary major.


In addition to those minors noted with asterisks, the following minors are also available:

Minor School/College
Ancient Greek A&S
Applied Fitness EDUC
Applied Statistics A&S
Aquatics EDUC
Bosnian-Croatian-Montenegrin-Serbian A&S
Business Minor CBA
Chinese Heritage A&S
Classical Civilization A&S
Creative Writing A&S
Dance EDUC
Environmental Engineering ENGR
Exercise Science EDUC
Hindi A&S
Hispanic Language and Culture A&S
Hungarian A&S
Irish A&S
Korean A&S
Latin A&S
LGBT and Critical Sexuality Studies A&S
Mediterranean Art and Archaeology A&S
Modern Greek A&S
Persian/Farsi A&S
Petroleum Engineering ENGR
Polish A&S
Polymer Engineering ENGR
Portuguese and Luso-Brazilian Culture A&S
Public Policy GSPIA
Quechua A&S
Slovak Studies A&S
Secondary Teacher Education EDUC
Swahili A&S
Swedish A&S
Turkish A&S
Vietnamese A&S

2The PharmD is not an undergraduate degree, but the School of Pharmacy admits undergraduates (including incoming freshmen) to its professional program that leads to a PharmD degree.


Certificate Programs

Certificate programs enable students to complete a concentrated area of study in addition to their major. Certificates typically require 18-24 credits and are noted on a student's academic transcript.

Among the Pitt units offering certificate programs are the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences, the College of General Studies, the School of Public Health, the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, the Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business and the College of Business Administration, the Swanson School of Engineering, and the University Center for International Studies. In addition, the Pitt School of Law offers certificate programs in Civil Litigation; Environmental Law, Science & Policy; Health Law; Intellectual Property & Technology Law; and International & Comparative Law.