Prepares for graduate programs in areas such as occupational therapy, rehabilitation counseling, accelerated or direct entry nursing programs, or disability studies.
Psycho-Social Issues in Rehab & Personal Care Certificate
- In-Person
Public & Professional Writing Certificate
- In-Person
Develop the skills to write extensively as a professional in law, medicine, the sciences, social work, public policy, international relations, business, or other fields.
Public Communication of Science & Technology Certificate
- In-Person
Understand the value of being able to communicate research outside of a narrow field to convince others to support research and to voice implications of research to the public.
Public Health Genetics Certificate
- In-Person
Attain a basic grounding in public health genetics that will enable you to become a public health professional at the cutting edge of this important new area.
Public Policy Micro-credential
- In-Person
This micro-credential is intended for students currently admitted and enrolled in Pitt PhD programs outside of GSPIA who are interested in supplementing their disciplinary training with some exposure to theory and practice of the Public Policy process.